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Running Flask Demos

Note: Visual Studio Code is configured to use /home/coder as the project home folder. Any new files and folders during development must be created under /home/coder .


Follow below steps to create and run the demos:

  • Make sure to create new Flask projects inside the /home/coder/ directory, so that your new projects will be available in the Browser based Visual Studio Code.

  • Once your project is created, navigate to your project directory where your app.py file exist.

  cd /home/coder/my_flask_app


  • Then switch to the super user. This is required to run Flask server on port 80
  sudo su
  • Then set the FLASK_APP environment variable to the app file
  export FLASK_APP=app.py


  • Then start the flask server by running below command
  flask run -h -p 80


  • After running the command, open http://publicip and you should see the demo page displayed. Make sure to use http and not https.


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