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How to manage NixOS Disk size and other configuration

To update the NixOS Disk size and other Configuration follow the below steps.

  1. Connect to the VM desktop environment via RDP/Remmina by copy pasting the Public IP of the vm and entering the userid as ubuntu and password of this user.


  1. On RDP Desktop , click on NixOS Luancher to start the Virtual Machine Manager.


  1. Double click on NixOS VM option to open the QEMU page.


  1. On this page, Click on Show virtual hardware details button to open the settings.


  1. Now to add the additional volume/disk from qmenu NixOS configuration, click VirtIO Disk 1 menu from left pane and right clicking on it then choosing Add Hardware option.


  1. It will open the Storage page. Provide the desired value of storage from the available value and clik on Finish.


  1. To change the Logical host CPUs, click on the CPUs option from the left pane of Qmenu , adjust the number and apply the changes.


  1. Similarly, to change the Memory, click on the Memory option from the left pane of Qmenu , adjust the number and apply the changes.


  1. Once you are ready with the new changes, start the NixOS VM by clicking on the Start button from top menu. Provide the password for techlatest user and hit enter.



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