Please follow below steps to upgrade Ordinal to the latest stable version on Techlatest Bitcoin Full Node VM solution.
Note: You need to run the bitcoin daemon from the command line to use the ordinal functionality. DO NOT use bitcoin-qt.
sudo rm /home/ubuntu/bin/ord
sudo rm /usr/bin/ord
cd /home/ubuntu/setup/ord
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -fsLS | bash -s
sudo cp /home/ubuntu/bin/ord /usr/bin/
sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/ord
sudo rm /home/ubuntu/.local/share/ord/index.redb
bitcoind --txindex
On AWS and Azure run
ord index update
ON GCP Platfrom you need to provide the cookie file as well
ord --cookie-file /home/bitcoin/.cookie index update
On GCP , run below command to start the server
sudo ord --cookie-file /home/bitcoin/.cookie server
On AWS and Azure , run below command to start the server
sudo ord --cookie-file /home/ubuntu/.bitcoin/.cookie server